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Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 3:34 am
by epicresearch
-Any trading plan is better than no plan. Commit to writing a simple plan which is easy for you to follow. Modify it only during times when you are not trading. It should be something that helps you make decisions under pressure and take away from the irrational “heat of the moment” scenarios which can happen when trading financial markets. Without a trading plan that we commit to following we can easily make rash judgments which will ultimately have a negative effect on our finances.
-The old sayings that “the market is always right” and “markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent” are oh so true. We should be looking for ways to align ourselves with the market forces and not get into scenarios where you are trying to be right. See point 3 again. If you take a counter trend position and the market proves you wrong this time just take the loss and move on.
-Very common and something we always need to be mindful of. I find it best to stop trading after a couple of losses in a row and refresh the mind. Everybody has a different tolerance level to losses and you should observe your actions in this area and look to improve.

-Yes,Yesterday Morning….We had written :
Below 5193 will take to 5177—-5171 level !!!
-If Trades below 5177 level for 15-20 minutes with volumes will take to 5115-5094 level in hrs only.

Yes ,Except Blind………All Else Can see……….What Happened ?It CRASHED to kiss 5111 & closed at 5120 level !!!
(Now ………………..Do U THINK …………….It Happened due to RUMOUR ?……)
-This is ALL Power of Chart ,Nothing Else -

Thirsty Traders …………………………Just Watch :5094 level.
Decisive Trade below this level with volumes for 15-20 minutes will take to 5031-5010 level !!!!
(Minor Support at 5076-5059 )
Hurdle if not Breaking Yesterday’s low of 5111 & TRADES above 5121 will take to 5150-5160 level
Hurdle @ 3DEMA -5174
7DEMA @ 5208 LEVEL !!

26th Session from 4760……………….As Forecasted and written ,We see TOP of 4363.70
It looks Today/Tomorow……………Will see Sharp Bottom ???

Now ,NF not crossing 5364 level and Closes below 5175 level for 3 Consecutive Days +Weekly close (Read it twice and save it )
Will take to 5062—-5024 level.
There after 4911—-4873 not ruled out.